25 December 2005

Happy Holidays

Hope everyone is having an awesome holiday with family and friends... We celebrated a bit early this year as dad is heading to Panama on Christmas day. I pigged out on collard greens and rib roast then washed it all down with tons of sweet ice tea (in true southern fashion haha). I even took a crack at making date-nut pinwheels - these cookie things that I remember my dad liking when I was a kid. They turned out kind of funny looking but tasted alright.

In other news... I finally got my plane ticket! I will be leaving from Miami on January 21st. After a looong flight and a changeover in Santiago, I will arrive in Buenos Aires on the 22nd. I've decided to spend two months each in Argentina and Chile (in that order). Posting will probably be sparse until then, as me packing and getting ready to take off is not all that interesting. Keep checking back in the future though. Have a rockin' New Years!


Anonymous said...

Happy packing! I can't wait to read about your trip!

Anonymous said...

Ok, got you bookmarked and waiting for the updates... suerte!